Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Associate professor, PhD in Technical Sciences



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ORCID 0000-0002-1844-1985

Scopus Author ID: 55218474500


2022 Professional Development online training course “Digital teaching”, 3 ECTS, Technische Universität Dresden, 18.10-14.12.22, supported by DAAD.
No degrees, certificate
2022 International Environmental School “Visegrad and Ukraine Dialogues on Climate Change & Sustainable Development” in case of Visegrad project #22110149, September 7-8, 2022. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. 0.6 ECTS.
No degrees, certificate
2021 Candidate of Technical Sciences. Dnipro University of Technology. Dissertation Title “Geotechnical stability of rock massifs in the influence zone of technogenic groundwater mode of the mining complex”
2021 National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Master's degree. Hydrotechnical construction, water engineering and water technologies
2021 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, International Summer School "Best European Practices for the Water Security to Achieve the Goals of Sustainable Development: Challenges for Ukraine." 0.6 ECTS.
No degrees, certificate
2016 Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Institute of Postgraduate Education. improvement of the professional and pedagogical level. 4 ECTS.
No degree, certificate
2008 National Mining University, Master's degree with honors. Hydrogeology. Hydrogeoecology
2007 National Mining University, Bachelor's degree with honors. Geology. Hydrogeology


September 2022 – now Associate Professor, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Dnipro University of Technology
March 2022 – now Deputy Dean on educational work of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management
Nowember 2011 – August 2022 Assistant of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Dnipro University of Technology


Teaching the students of curricula "Earth Sciences" with the following courses: Holding trainings for students in “Hydrogeology”, “Engineering geodynamics”, “Geomechanics”, “Hydrogeochemistry”, “Groundwater Dynamics”, “Water Resources Management”, “Recreational hydrogeology” etc.


11.2020 – 12.2021 Project “Scientific bases for the environmentally safe transformation of power specifics of coalmines with ensuring hydrogeosphere stability” of National Research Fund of Ukraine, partisipant
2020 – 2021 Research project at Dnipro University of Technology “Impact Assessment of the filling the excavated space of Western Dolomite Quarry No.3 with overburden mass from the "Western" section of the "Vapniakovy" quarry and the "DOF" dump”, PJSC "NOVOTROITSKE RUDOUPRAVLNYA", researcher
2021 “Best Young Scientist of DUT”” at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technologies (2nd degree)
2020 Winner of Presidential Award for young scientists for work “Stability of natural and manmade massifs in mining of iron ore deposits” (in a team of authors: cand.tech.sc. Petlovanyi M.V., cand.tech.sc. Shustov O.O., Sherstiuk Ye.A., cand.tech.sc. Zubko C.A.)
2019 Research project at Dnipro University of Technology "Modeling of drainage system considering the engineering-geological and groundwater conditions of the construction and the forecast of negative engineering-geological processes due to change of hydrogeological conditions. Pumping station for additional water of Zaporizhzhya NPP SE NAEC "Energoatom". New construction", researcher
2019 Research project at Dnipro University of Technology "Monitoring system justification for the hydrogeomechanical condition of the territory disturbed by mining operations of PJSC "INGZK" based on the analysis of actual hydrodynamic, geomechanical and geophysical fields to develop the measures to prevent emergency situations when the northern pit side enters the displacement zone of underground workings of the "Centralna" mine”, researcher
2018 “Best Young Scientist of DUT” at the Faculty of Geological Prospecting (2nd degree)
2016 "Elaboration of a migration model and forecast of the underground hydrosphere state during the construction of dump No.5 as part of the EIA project "Development of the Inguletsky deposit by the quarry of PJSC "InGZK", researcher
2012 Winner of regional competition “Young Scientists for Dnipropetrovsk Region”
2008-2011 Research and Education Center of the National Mining University "Sustainability of geotechnical systems: processes, phenomena, risks", grant of CRDF and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


She has more than 40 publications.

  • Kovrov, O. S., Dereviahina, N. I., & Sherstiuk, Y. A. (2022). Ecological estimation of installing geothermal systems on territories of closed coal mines. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, (4). 84-90. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2022-4/084
  • Sherstiuk, Ye.A., Tymoshchuk, V.I. (2022). Forecast of the influence of the sludge storage facility of LLC "MGZ" on the hydrodynamic and chemical mode of groundwater under different operating conditions. Youth: science and innovations: materials of the 10th International scientific and technical conference of students, postgraduates and young researchers, Dnipro, November 23-25, 2022. Dnipro University of Technology" - Dnipro: NTU "DP". 204-205. (In Ukrainian).
  • Tymoshchuk, V.I., Sherstiuk, Ye.A. (2022). Comprehensive assessment the conditions of Ladyzhynska TPP hydrotechnical constructions in accordance with their reconstruction. Natsional'nyj hirnychyj universytet. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. – Dnipro : NTU «Dniprovs'ka politekhnika». 120-132. (In Ukrainian). https://doi.org/10.33271/crpnmu/69.120
  • Tymoshchuk, V.I., Sherstiuk, Ye.A, (2021). Forecast of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical conditions at the site of Kaluska TPP hydrotechnical facilities in terms of their reconstruction. Suchasni tekhnolohii ta dosiahnennia inzhenernykh nauk v haluzi hidrotekhnichnoho budivnytstva ta vodnoi inzhenerii: zb. nauk. pr. – Kherson: KhDAEU. Issue 3. 80-86. (In Ukrainian).
  • Tymoshchuk, V.I., Sherstiuk, Ye.A., Lozovyi A.L. (2020). Comprehensive Assessment of the Hydrodynamic and Geomechanical State of the Eastern Side of PJSC "INGZK" Open Pit According to Prospective Mining Expanding. Natsional'nyj hirnychyj universytet. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. – Dnipro : NTU «Dniprovs'ka politekhnika». № 62. 77-87. (In Ukrainian). https://doi.org/10.33271/crpnmu/62.077
  • Analysis of patterns of the open-pit mine water influx formation in the conditions of the Inhulets iron ore deposit using a three-dimensional geofiltration model / V. Tymoshchuk, Y. Sherstiuk, and T. Morozova // E3S Web of Conferences. Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering. – 2018. – Vol. 60. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20186000030
  • Tymoshchuk, V.I., Saviuk, O.A. & Sherstiuk, Ye.A. (2018). Regularities in the Formation of Water Influx into the Open-Pit Mine from the Alluvial Aquifer at the North-Eastern Side of PJSC "INGZK" Open-Pit Mine. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' NHU. № 54. 128-140.
  • Modeling the drainage facilities operation at the prospective construction site on the Dnipro floodland / V.Tymoshchuk, Y. Sherstiuk, Z. Niedbalski, T. Morozova. // Mining of Mineral Deposits. – 2017. – №11(2). – С. 34–40. http://mining.in.ua/articles/volume11_2/5.pdf
  • V. Tishkov, V. Timoshchuk & Ye. Sherstuk. Changes of water inflow to underground gasifier depending on hydroheomechanical state of coal seam // Progressive Technlogies of Coal, Coalbed Methane, and Ores Mining - Bondarenko, Kovalevs’ka & Ganushevych (eds). 2014. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 433- 437 pp.
  • Ye. Sherstuk, U. Demchenko & Yu. Cherednichenko. Patterns of landslide processes development in conditions of man-made water exchange of mining complex // Progressive Technlogies of Coal, Coalbed Methane, and Ores Mining - Bondarenko,Kovalevs’ka & Ganushevych (eds). 2014. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 41-45 pp. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315740317/chapters/10.1201%2Fb17547-9
  • Tymoshchuk, V., Sherstiuk, Y., & Tishkov, V. (2013). Hydrodynamic substantiation of water control measures at the site of sludge collector in Yasinovaya valley, Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 3, 5-10.
  • Timoshchuk, V., & Sherstyuk, Y. (2012). Geofiltration regularities in the areas loaded by gravitation in tailings and waste rock dumps. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 4, 30-35.
  • Y. Sherstuk, T. Perkova & U. Demchenko, Three-dimensional model creation of ground water seepage in mining zones (Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin). / New Techniques and Technologies in Mining – Bondarenko, Kovalevs’ka & Dychkovs’kyy (eds) © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, London, р. 181 – 185.

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