Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

Head of Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Zahrytsenko Alina Mykolaivna

Personal page

Contact tel.: +38 (056) 756-09-61

e-mail: zahrytsenko.a.m@nmu.one

Address: Dmytro Yavornytsky Avenue 19, Building 1, Room 54.

Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

The main focus of Department activity since the year of its creation (1935) and nowadays is education in hydrogeology and engineering geology. During 1935 - 2012 more than 2500 professionals were educated including about 50 those from Bulgaria and the People Republic of China.

Today the department educates the specialists in hydrogeology whose main task is to solve the problems of water supply for housing and industrial enterprises through searching and exploration of groundwater, hydrogeological justification of environmental rehabilitation of lands, geotechnical design of construction of various structures and engineering protection of territories affected by negative natural and man-caused phenomena.

The new area of modern hydrogeology addressing human and environment safety problems is environmental engineering geology that aims to study man-made changes of underground waters, rocks and soils, and landscapes to elaborate protective engineering measures.

The department staff includes two Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, and 3 Assistants. Teachers provide scheduled classes with students of various disciplines in mining and geological sciences.

Heightening the scientific level of Department staff and training of research personnel is on-going for full-time and part-time graduates and is carrying out be supervising the postgraduate students. More than 50 graduates of Department have successfully submitted the Ph.D. thesis dissertations and 6 those became the Doctors of Sciences.

Department staff has developed the logistical and methodological base that fully provides educational process and practical trainings.


Graduates of National Mining University in "Hydrogeology" have got the stable reputation as high-level specialists. They are working and wanted at geological exploration expeditions, environmental safety departments, projecting and research institutes, mining enterprises, research and educational institutions.

Department is carrying out a wide range of research projects aimed at solving the topical problems of hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental engineering such as projecting of groundwater exploration, construction of various buildings, exploitation of mineral deposits, engineering protection of the environment.

Department keeps the international links with universities and institutions from Germany, Japan, Canada, China, Russia, USA, and Uzbekistan.



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