Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Maximova-Gulyaeva Natalia Oleksandrivna

Associate Professor, PhD in Technical Sciences

In 1974 she graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, studied hydrogeology and engineering geology, and got the qualification of mining hydrogeologist/engineer.

From 1974 to 1990 she worked at the Institute "DniproDIITR" as the head of a cameral group. In the period 1990-1992 she was the chief specialist geologist at the NPO "Metronome". From 1993 to 2000 she was leading technical expert of Ltd. "Air"; since 2000 till now she is associate professor of Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology.

In 2006 she defended PhD thesis on speciality 05.15.09 "Mechanics of soils and rocks".

She teaches the subjects "Engineering Geology", "Engineering and Geological Studies", "Engineering and Geological Studies for Different Structures", "Regional Engineering Geology", and "Hydrogeology".

The main field of research is structures preventing from landslides on unstable soil areas.

She has 1 monograph, 11 scientific articles, 1 certificate and 2 educational textbooks.

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